
Promoting young people's sense of citizenship and participation in the public space 

Encounters between young people and inspiring people nourish their need to give meaning to their lives and inspire them to engage in society or set life goals. For young people who lack a sense of direction, such a positive encounter can be the trigger they need to avoid getting lost on the wrong path.

By opening spaces for young people to dialogue and exchange with positive people, we value their citizenship. And with the camera we allow them to express themselves in a non-violent way.

We believe that promoting the participation of young people in the life of a nation can be a major tool to prevent violence and migration. By giving young people the opportunity to participate in positive and collective issues, we reduce their exclusion and marginalization as well as their desire to go into exile.

To achieve these objectives, we propose that the associations and schools that were trained in Phase 2 work on joint projects within a Network.

This network will be enriched with new members throughout the year and with many people who will come to put their skills at the service of the young people and the participants.

We will carry out numerous interviews which will lead to meetings and debates with young people on the theme of engagement.

Training and filming equipment will be made available to the schools involved in the network.


This is the number of Moroccan organizations that make up the network

The network now includes around a hundred youth associations and second chance secondary schools.

The road to unity

The first masterclass of the network was carried out on the theme of the voluntary mobilization of Moroccan youth for a common project through this event which was the construction of the Road of Unity: to build a road of 60 kilometers to connect two regions which were cut one from the other.

Mr. Abdelwahed Radi was pleased to present this project to the youth through a filmed document. Mr. Radi, who was also an important political actor in Morocco during the independence period, took the opportunity to pass on messages of commitment to young Moroccans. Mr. Radi is Morocco's oldest parliamentarian, having served as his country's Minister of Justice and as president of the Moroccan Parliament for a decade. 

Photo contest

The finalists

We asked young people to send us a photo of an inspiring person in their environment using their smartphones. The photos had to be accompanied by a short presentation text. We proposed to select the best portraits and to make a small report on the chosen people. We chose to make a report on a person who created a cultural café in Essaouira and on a young woman from Tetouan, 18 years old, who is involved with children with autism. The film on the person from Essaouira is already done and is online on our Instagram page.

Thank you!

A big thank you to the participants, it was not easy to choose among all these beautiful inspiring personalities

Thanks to

We thank the Norwegian Embassy in Morocco for its support and collaboration in this new phase of the project.

Norwegian Embassy in Morocco

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